Thursday, June 17, 2010

049 : Insomnia???...owh no!!!

Am i suffering insomnia? be honest i am quite worried about this. Is that because of my hectix schedule?...i dunno....i try to make myself very tired but still i cant sleep...last nite sgt letih....sgt2 yer...i start feel dizzy...have sleep...but only 1 hour! owh gosh!!!!....

Hati sangat tak best nak call abah kang too early, takut gak diorang worry about me. So tadi call my mum, abah pulak tak der kat umah. Whatever it is i am happy that everyone in good condition...Alhamdulillah!

Harap that i will feel better tomoro...Weekend ni aku cuti. Hope that i will have good sleep, Good rest! Next week will be another hectic week again for sure. New things to consider...of is my first priority...I am still considering the offer n chances. Bagi setengah org diorg ckp duit tu tak penting...but for me what for ko ader promotion without any changes on your pay????...ur new responsibilities n tasks needs you to do more that u have right now...but then no increment...i am realistic. I am not scared of changes, but if u want my skills n knowledge...u need to offer me something...sebab duit mungkin tak penting bg org lain..penting bagi aku sebab aku berdiri atas kaki aku sendiri!...kalau aku tak kejer sapa nak bagi makan???..sapa nak bayaq bill tenet?...bla bla bla..bukan la duit ni segalanya...tapi to be honest duit ni buleh selesaikan banyak masalah yer!...bila aku ader duit yang penting aku dpt balik kg selalu...dapat always call my mum n more on myself for sure!

Hish..ini lah masalahnya bila xleh tido....hati jadik tak best...rasa nak mrh jerk...rasa cepat jer naik angin...hmmmmm....tengah survey how to deal with this new problem...sebelum melarat and my health in danger!..Owh!!!!

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