Wednesday, October 13, 2010

0118: Awat dok create "Rapport"....

Semua orang ada FB, aku pun ada beb...orang ada twitter...aku pun ada gak...pastu x reti guna!!!!...lalalalalalalalala....anak sapa arr tue???....ari nie tak mo citer bende2 yang lapuk tu...dah bosan...aku update sikit2 jer kat sana....xda mood...malas nak create hangin kat sana...kang tak larat bergoyang idup aku...almaklumla...kita bukan buleh tau hati orang...sebab kita pun tak tau sapa dok skodeng life kita....shhhhh...tertoleh kiri...tertoleh kanan...huh! lega! aku kat umah one to skodeng me....eheksss....

Semalam tertengok la satu status nie...hahahahahahaha...sampai gitu tahap dengkinya...siap publish that been treated unfairly....bengang sebab benda tu untuk selected person?...hmmmm...pikir la sendiri tahap mentalitynya...the attitude justify it aite...yezzaaaaaa......patutla ada org tu tetiba marah aku...sebab status bangang tu...aku xtau apa-apa pun...tak memasal jadik mangsa "GRILL"...huh kejam!...tapi relaks arrr...aku siap gelak lagi...aku siap cakap...ekcelli he/she just wait for us to reacts so that he/she can confirmed his/her assumptions...(cam complicated lak ayat aku nie aiiihhhhh...)...semalam masa nak pi kejer tu malas semacam jer rasanya....tapi bila start kejer cam ok jer...walau rasa tired dan pening tu ada sikit2....tapi aku lalui hari dengan jayanya....habih kejer...settle the report for the team...sebab semalam my turn...productivity is a bit biasa...masalah biasa....alahai..kene la creative in creating reasons n cause!...hates this!..

Tapi sebenarnya aku terasa sumthing....the commitment n teamwork dah bit shaking...sebab benda yang kat FB tu la...till now that status still there...hmmm...i have no comment on it...sebabnya banyak lagik benda yang lebih penting dr all those no-sense thing...there are other ways that u can take..because kat FB, there are your superiors and fellow colleagues that are added in ur fren lists...dont u see the "thing" that u creates can cause other rapport which at the end hurts urself....maybe setengah orang berfikir dengan creating uneasiness can solve the issue...but it is actually cause other bad things rather than good things...problem maybe solved but with the longer period and of course...with others problem tagged along...hah!...complicated dah nie!..ishhhhh

Dok tunggu updates on that lucky draw...hahahahaahaha...semua pakat excited...excitement...especially on person that meet the requirement la...semua pakat pasan nak booking the prizes...iPhone 2 tau...ipod...vouchers....wah!!!...sgt tak sbr nak tgk the result...semua pakat kecoh....most are eye-ing on iPhone n ipod....materialistik masing-masing....heehehehehehehe...rugi x gi dinner ari tu...tahun lepas dapat gak shopping voucher....and i bought bag for myself....bebaru nie dapat Starbuck voucher...yeyyyyyyyy......maybe wait for my Hachi...we use that voucher...sebab voucher tu token of appreciation...(shhhh...jimat duit cheq...hahahahahaha...kedekut siut!)....xla...sebab voucher tu surprised!...x i want to share it with my luv one...

[ Owh yaaa...bulan September tahun nie memang unforgettable...our birthday, then surprised from the co, cert, token etc etc...ishhh banyak betul surprise bulan September for me....Alhamdulillah...syukur pada Hachi dah balik ke oilfied in St Joseph, Sabah....they have to work hard for that project after few days delayed due to bad weather...hope he can come back end October...kalau x... extend lagik sampai awal November la jawabnya...huhuhuhu...alahaiiiiii.... cepat la balik....nanti Naa banjer makan ABC...tapi jagung kurang...sebab ari tu cari gaduh dengan orang...hehehehehe..lariiiii.... ]


az said...

just forget about it.. kita x boleh
nak puaskan hati semua org..kedekut nya u .. abc jer belanja ur hachi...simpan duit ke nak beli cooper.. hehehe

i am Naa... said...

hahaha...shhhh az...kang dia tau....