Thursday tu memang best...pagi lagi lepas Dr Yong melawat...Dr Yong bgtau boleh balik...just mkn ubat n rest kat umah...sbb air kencing ader bacteria....and my white cell high sikit...that caused me demam n tired like hell...okeh...that justify sbb sumtimes i sekejap2 buleh demam and tired semacam....dan kadang-kadang aku cepat lebam...whatever it is hope everything fine n well...looking for the right supplements for it....huhuhuhu...
Habih ja discharge process..Encek HACHI call bagitau...he is on the way to see ME from dia need him in Labuan ME is smiling la....Alhamdulillah...dapat gak aku jumpa dia sebelum dia pi...if not u need to wait another 2 mths to see him...and we will have challenges in communication....bukan boleh freely call like now...owhhhhh...
As promised, i fetch him...sampai lambat 2 hours...jammed kat KL...sanggup dia reject bila opis dia offer to book flight from Kuantan to KL...sbbnya nanti lambat...sbb the next day he will fly to Labuan...masa tunggu aku dah start pening....actually memang bdn still tak berapa best....and bila dia sampai dia la jadi mangsa...kene la jadi dreba....dapat la aku bukak posa bersama...1st time tahun nie...bersahur together also...
The next day kitorang gi KLIA dalam 12.30pm dah sampai...flight kul 3 ptg...mulanya tempat kami duduk tu jauh dari jam KLIA...
HACHI : Yanggg,...jum kita dok kat situ...nampak jam dia...kang senang i nak boarding..
Naa: Ha ahhh ok...
Masa tu jam dah 2.40pm...
HACHI: Jum yanggg...need to go...make sure that u take care....
Aku temankan dia sampai kat kaunter.
Counter Lady: Alamak encik, pintu dah close nie. Tak sempat la. Encik cuba pi kaunter hujung sana. Mungkin Encik tu boleh tolong.
Kami dah panic, ner nie???...
HACHI: Macam mana?...boleh tak i masuk lagi nie?.
Counter Guy: Kejap yer...( dia cuba call but the other side tak angkat, keep trying several times...) Alamak...diorang tak angkat la bang. Abang kene naik flight kul 5.30 pm atau pagi esok yang straight pi Labuan. Kalau yang 5.30pm abang punya Labuan flight is tomoro at 7 am.
HACHI: Memang tak leh dah ker...xper la...let me call my opis first.
Dia pun call la opismate dia yang tolong book kan ticket...ayat takleh blah...
Hello XXXX, alamak ada problem sikit...tapi u calm down,..buleh settle nie..whatever iit sorry aku tertido...sekali diorang ckp dah takleh masuk sebab pintu dah tutup. So the latest that i can go is 5.30 pm but then only by tomoro morning around 7 am baru ada flight pi Labuan. Or another option is flight straight to Labuan but will be at tomoro morning 9 am. So what's ur opinion then?..
Then kitorang gegas gi MAS counter...elok lepas jer dia settle dia pusing kat anak Tok Mad dgn senyum manis, dan senyum ituuu...owwwwwwwwwhhhh...
Naa: Yanggg, u purposely aite???...
HACHI: Hahahahahaahha....i have another 2 hours with u yanggg...
Macam tak percaya. All those takleh masuk flight adalah atas keSENGAJAan dia untuk spend masa dengan aku....hahahahhahahahahahah...and due to that he paid RM100 for the
fine. BUT he is smiling like nobody business and that is really make my day!...
Hahahahahahahaha....tak sangka kan yanggg???....eheksss...tq very much...actually he planned everything starts from he reached Kemaman. Just to see me!...Luv u!!!...hahahahaha...and the BYE turn to be SMILES....sebab he left me with a SURPRISES....
*TQ so much for the present...
hehehe, bagus punya planning. cantekkk
tu arrrr...untill now i am still laughing. The drama was really real!
what a surprise... make me smile untill now. its so real..bravo for the director...
Welcome Az...tq for the comment...u will never know how crazy he is...
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