Terkadang aku tertanya sendiri...terdetik juga dalam sanubari aku yang paling dalam...i am not judging anyone here..please been noted that i am not judging anything...just want to share one of my experience and my true life observation...
Okey...let us begin...there is a lady that i know...(to my close frens n family...pls dont ask who..). Let me called her Aara Yara. My faveret character in my in-making story..This lady had make my heart pity of her...she is trying her level best to get her life on right track...good lady...but not in the good fate n luck i guess...keeps dianiaya...one after one keeps happen to her...even almost dying due to ilmu hitam...then after that with the so called frens...but there is one thing that i see inside her...she keep smiling...keep tabah...sumtimes she does cries...do truly understand...lots of thing that she lost...that the fact that i see...cant help her much...and she is really independent lady...and lots of people loves her even she been betrayed by lots of people too...Life kan???...no pain no gain!!!...and life is really unpredictable...challenges comes and bye...
Got one day...she cries...and me myself really cant tahan it...i cries for her...and i know i cant help her...how i wish i can just give her the strength...
Aara : Naa...
Naa: Yup...how i wish i can just...( and i am cryinggg...damn bad...she alrd lost with her sendu!)
Aara: Sumtimes i tries so hard already my dear...so hard that i am praying..keep hoping ALLAH will givve me the strength...but i am just so weak...the more i am tryying...the more i jatuh...and when jatuh i cant restraine myself from remembering what my mum said when she angry...she keep saying that my life will be susah in future and i will never senang etc.....and that keeps flowing from her mouth whenever she marah...n even sumtimes she marah to others she keep saying that to me...eventhough it is never my fault...i feel damn sad...totally down...why my mum keep saying that...she does perform her prayers diligently...she even ajar orang ngaji...but why she keeps doing that?. ..I am her doter her darah daging...and you know what...even dulu i pernah lari dari rumah....i tak balik for so long...untill one time...i meet this someone...i told the stories...he advised me to go back talk to my mum...
Yes...i talked to my mum....i am begging her to doakan my life will be ok...begging her to doa that my life will be senang after this...n my mum crying...i told her what i felt...yes...u know what Naa????..yup...my life is better even not 100% after that...but yes...i start to feel what is TENANG means...but then....tak lama...my mum get angry again...with one of my family members...and now she is saying the same thing when i share my opinion with regards on the current issue...i am not derhaka!!!...but i dont want her to judge people...to hukum people...to say such things, because we never know what will happen next...never terlintas that i want to lawan her cakap...never crossed my mind my dear...( she is crying damn bad at tis time...ME is also lost...i am totally lost my words...all i have that moment of time is only tears...)
And now i become nobody again in the family...i am sad...i already minta maaf...but my heart....owhhhh....i feel truly sad my dear...i am afraid of my future...how i wish my mum can just pray gud things for me...i have suffered due to my mum sumpah...i am not salahkan her...but i just want her to know i loves her and i want good things from her mouth and doa...i am nobody without her...and her doa that does matter for my future.....how i wish that she will understand...as her doter...how i hope for her good prayers n wishes...everything that comes from her mouth will affect my life the most....i hope for nothing my dear...
She..Aara...crying like nobody business...her tears flowing non stop...in her face only emptiness....but she is praying for good in her sendu....Allah itu lebih tahu...that Aara is a gud person...and she is a gud doter i ever see...
[When i am writing about tis....i am not crying at all...but there is pain in my heart...betapa aku sebenarnya terkesan dengan apa yang terjadi pada Aara...dan semoga her mum sedar tentang apa yang terjadi...betapa aku berdoa agar belajar dari apa yang aku dengar dan lihat...moga aku akan jadi ibu yang tabah...mendoakan yang sebaiknya pada amanahku nanti...kerana buruk baiknya anak ku nanti adalah atas doa dan asuhanku jua...apa yang terjadi itu ada hikmahNYA...tiada siapa yang patut dihakimi...kerana kita bukan Tuhan...Biarlah DIA yang tahu...tiada siapa yang bersalah...jangan kita dangkal untuk menhakimi sesiapa...]
NAA, sekurang2nya kita belajar dari pengalaman orang lain.. melihat dari sudut positif, bahawa hidup kita tidak lepas dari diduga dan diuji.
Dan semoga kita sentiasa terus berusaha yang terbaik utk diri kita, anak2 kita, keluarga kita, agama dan negara kita..
tq so much kak Azie for dropping by..really appreciates..true..i totally agree with u...Allah itu Maha Mengetahui, setiap org ada ujian yang berbeza...dan kita sebagai hamba kenalah pandai melihat dgn mata hati dan iman apa yang terjadi. Again...terima kasih so much...
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