Thursday, February 3, 2011

0149: CELCOM careline! cakap omputih tak paham, cakap melayu pun tak paham jugak...

[Panas betul hati tengok benda kaler biru lately!!!]

Hati masih happen on 2 Dec 2010. The day before received SMS whether i would like to increase my supp line limit from RM100 to RM150. If agreed we just need to reply the SMS on the given no. So we have acted on that SMS agree to increase limit from RM100 to RM150.

But then on the windy afternoon of 2nd Dec 2010, there is one SMS from CELCOM advised that the line has been barred due to the usage already hit RM468. What the hell????...i then immediately called to so called "Celcom Careline". Talked to 3 officer...been given with lame excuse and no one can really advised why is that so...the first lady is really worst...given my hp no in English she keeps repeating, sorry cant really hear me...or ko tu tak reti English??? god!!! number jer pun!!!...i then talk in Malay...paham pulak ko...unprofessional!...then bila suruh check, she keeps checking the wrong thing, when i requested to talk to the mgr, she keeps holding my line then come back n keep giving me stupid excuses....owhhh...test my sabar betul...untill one stage i feel fed up whenshe keeps giving me the stupid lame excuses..."Sayang....u yang kejer CELCOM ker I?...kalau u tak tahu can't u get senior or mgr to teach u then???.." nahhhh hambik ko!!!...then my call been trfrd to the one guy, claimed oic in charge...quite rude ...very simple did not even tell me the name untill i asked for it...again i need to repeat myself!...line been trfrd to technical guy. They cant confirm anything, said it could be because of internet usage...just assumption...and need to wait for my bill to be printed which is another 2 weeks time...and that guy still have the guts..."If u wants to complaint, u need to walk in to any nearest branch for it..." terus la i cut the conversation..." Hello!...u think i suka-suka cakap kuat n repeating myself kat sini?...i tengah buat official complaint la nie...dari tadi i dok bagitau...atau u all nie tak paham bahasa Melayu?..(all the officer tue Melayu ok,......)...then the guy promise that official complaint will be lodged. I requested the call back from Manager the next day...but no call back...Owh yaa..that line is been unbarred without anyone notify me after i put down my phone...have tested the mainline no using that supp line only 20 minutes then when we checked the balance, that call costed to RM34+. What the hell????.. I only received call back 3 days after from the lady. Saying that she is the mgr. The mgr is also xbuat kejer....i kene repeat myself the whole story padahal i dah bgtau the last guy yang i nak the mgr retrieve the conversation before talked to me...the lady keep apologizing and she cant confirm anything, she will get her senior officer to call me back once my statement printed...

The day after my stmt date, there is a call from CELCOM and it is from the officer that helps me to lodged complaint...and he asked me again...of course la anak Tok Mad naik hangin!!!!....ko yang lodged complaint then u still dare to ask me to repeat the whole story???...aku basuh la...requested so called mgr to call me back!...

Sampai la 31/12/ news...aku called careline 2.30 am....the officer named Anas pick up call n put the another official complaint with the promise that he will call me back after he get details from the technical team. He did call me, but then the answer is not what i want and again i specify the thing that i need them to clarify with. "What for u have the limit while the limit not taken place?... and i did requested them to thorough check on the bill again." Answer is unbelievable...all the bill details is genuine?...bila suruh clarify tak pulak ada answer....setakat ko darabkan call minutes dgn RM0.30 seminit aku pun bulehhhhh.....bila aku tanya kalu call sejam....berapa charge???...pandai lak jwb RM18...then yang 20 minit ko charge aku RM34 tue aper????...pas tu diam??? he promised to call me back la....

Lama giler aku tunggu call back sampai my new bill dah sampai...aku call balik...pukul 3 pagi...looking for Anas again...the Anas gi break...aku cakap dgn sorang officer dulu...nama dia Din, aku suruh dia check my complaint...but then that officer yang dok tanya aku...dan aku dok guide dia the date of the case n bla bla....and aku tanya how long it will take for complaint to be executed?...answer: max 7 working days!...there!!!!...aku requests Anas call aku balik. So at 4 am aku received call from Anas. Aku tanya la apa dia nyer investigation result. dah lama sangat aku bg korang masa. Takkan tak der result kowttt???...

Dia dengan selamba jer cakap dia dah explain kat aku masa dia call back last 2 weeks...hahahahhaha...aku gelak...Anas...u mungkin lupa yang u ada janji nak call i balik...u can get ur mgr to retrieve our call before...tu pun kalau u punya mgr buleh retrieve call la...sebab yang sebelum nie pun tak retrieve call masa cakap dengan i..lepas tu dia mintak maaf dengan aku. Aku memang tengah marah...tapi suara aku steady jer...."Anas, if your sorry can resolved my issue, please say it 100 times...but ur sorry cant do nothing right now..." terdiam dia, suara dia yang tadinya cam berlagak dah slow terus. "Please no more wasting my time, if u cant decide anything here get ur mgr to talk to me now...". He apologize and then put me on hold...for 30 minutes plussssss.....ahahahhahahahaha...bila he want to trfr..selamba aku shoot...Thanks Anas, very efficient of u all...i am waiting for half an hour to talk to ur mgr...for the case that still not resolved from dec...

Then i talked to Encik Khairul. Keep repeating the same excuse...owh yaaaa... baru hari ni aku tau yang limit tu akan manually sent. diorang akan checked on that 3-5 working days. Then will send SMS after that...

Naa: So in other words, u are telling me that if ur co punya staff tak buat kejer then the customer kene tanggung the thing la. Is that my fault?

Khairul: No it is not ur fault.

Naa: If your system is having gliche or issue, which caused the customer to bear, then it becomes customer fault la?

Khairul: No

Naa: When i called before, your staff cant understand me in English and even when i cakap Melayu pun dia tak paham apa itu complaint, is that my fault Encik Khairul?...

Khairul: No, of course bukan salah puan.

Naa: As per what i checked dengan ur staff, Din just now, he told me that the complaint will only take max 7 working days...but then my first complaint is away on early Dec and till now tak resolved is that also my fault???...

Khairul: No. Kami mintak maaf atas kesulitan itu.

Naa: Hmmmm.... ur sorry cant even resolved my issue pun. I no need anymore apologize yang will not lead to any solution pun. I want my case to be resolved. Ur staff suka-suka un-barred my line without notify n resolved it and only after 1 mths plus then baru la u all explain about the system, then now tetiba seems like everyone is sleeping there. Blablaaaa....

aku dah fed up ...he promised will get officer to call me back at my mainline no as per my requests at the PJ branch when i first have this no...all call shud direct to me.

And tau dakkk???...the Khairul at last ngaku...they are just the agent that do the cs for Celcom...aku tanya position ja pun...n dia bukan mgr, just the supervisor. "I dont want to know bout ur system whatever...and if it is important and customer need to know about this can you enlighten me in which part of ur website this info has been publicly publish?...and whether u are just agent or not directly under celcom or not..that is none of my care...all i know is u all are part of Celcom, u all work for them.....thank you so much for wasting my time again and again for such a very efficient service....

The next day aku received call from agent yang buat collection for Celcom. Yang nie lagi tak professional. Aku suruh dia check dgn Careline dia ckp...Celcom x bg apa2 maklumat kat depa...sgt bangang dia nya answer...kena bambu then dok say sorry segala...suppose i received call back last Monday...but till now nothing from them....the last person called me last Friday, Serina.

"Saya akan telefon cik balik, saya dah check dgn technical tapi jawapan yang diorang bagi adalah tidah menjawab soalan saya...."

"Hmmm....Cik Serina, then takkan la jadi salah saya pulak bila ur person are not doing the job???..."

She then promised call back. No call back. Aku dah filed kan complaint under NCC..after survey semalam ada satu jabatan lagi yang patut aku complaint rasanya. And Next week u all wait la...aku turun branch pulak....kita tengok diorang ni mkn gaji buta ka apa???...


azieazah said...

NAA. setuju. Memang sakit jiwa CELCOM CARe LINE nih. Nampak sangat bodoh dan bangang depa.

Kak Azie dah kena berapa kali sampai jerit kat dlm tepon.

siap bleh kata, “korang rakam perbualan ni kan? Dulu lagi dah rakam, tapi tak pernah nyer belajar dari rakam tuh”

Memang Customer Servis teruk...!

knight said...

dh mmg adat blogger utk memburukkan perkejaan org len..ahahah..sedey

knight said...

be in their shoes...ull know that there is nothing they can do...cause ive been there once..dont blame the careliners but blame celcom..they the one who hired them and yet celcom never provide them with good system..celcom are lamos...

i am Naa... said...

K Azie....damn bad experience...

i am Naa... said...

To Knight....i am not blaming...btw i've been in Customer Service line, system bad does not mean that u have right to have that kind of attitude towards customer. Be in my shoes also, kalau u sendiri pun u will ngamuk...u have informed the officer, but then no necessary action that system issue or service issue?...up to u to judge, but i think u put urself too personal in this posting....ayat there is nothing that they can do is a lame excuse...there are always the way to solve it...i found the same cases lodged in NCC file last 2 when the answer there is nothing that they can do is really an excuses...

Anonymous said...

You've been in customer service? No wonder la. Tak perlu la bersikap begitu. You mintak tolong mereka dengan cara macam ni? Memang betul itu kerja mereka but for me, u rilek2 sudah. Tak yah la nak naik angin. Relax ye. Kalau you dari customer service, u patut tahu Bukan semua customer nak kite boleh tunaikan. I pun selalu panas hati dengan budak careline astro. Tapi kite as customer pun kena follow jugak jangka masa yang dorang cakap. Kalau dorang cakap seminggu, seminggu la. Nak mengamuk2 pun bukan bole solved kite punye masalah. Be a good malaysian :)

i am Naa... said...

hi anon..up to u to judge...i am just doing my part...the story is the latest conversation...after 2 mths plus no action...a few blogger have also have the same feedback about the service rendered...kalau dah bgtau seminggu but the time taken more than 1 week itself...adakah ianya akan jadi customer punya salah pulak?...they need to improve...because of this posting baru i dpt call dari celcom officer...kalau tak...buta-buta kena as Malaysian...that is also my right to have good service that i paid least i have guts to bersuara...

Anonymous said...

Hey cek kak oii bising bising pun x guna. Report MCMC lah nanti ada panel justify sapa betul sapa salah. syarikat tepon bukan satu cek kak oi.. kalau dok pikir pasal hak, report je ke tribunal pengguna nanti cik kak ngn orang celcom dok satu table diorang tentukan sapa betul sapa salah. Kalau celcom salah kira cik kak otai lah.. tapi kalau cik yang salah ko memang lauk lah kena saman nanti... wakakakakaak

Anonymous said...

middle finger tu u naa... orang lain pn pakai tipon, x kecoh2 kat blog.. hahahaha

knight said...

u must be a one hell of a bad customer service cause u get hot so easily...owhh u already been in their shoes ok..did u satisfy everybody...or did u solve all customer problem effectively...i dont think so...this shit can be solved..but u need to have need for malaysian to judge for ur jiffy problem...hahaha..u just get too emotional...just like u said u wanna go to the celcom branch have u been there...when walk in they just 1111..hahahah..thats them...knowledge is zero abt their product...and their authorities are higher than the careliner...huhuhu

Simply Magic Perfumes said...





angeL from HeLL said...

lain kali lau x tau gne hp dgn bijak,jgn anggap diri 2 pndai.jgn anggap dpt berbahasa inggeris ngan baik jgn anggap anda bangsa yg hebat.Tapi sedarlh anda bermimpi.
Terjerit2 kt careline adalah tanda seseorng 2 meroyan.cmner nk ajar ank2 utk berbudi bahasa lau mak bapak jd perosak bangsa..Bila bercakap mngalahkan menteri kat parlimen.bunyi cm ending nye atau hakikatnye perangai cm pkr2 la sndiri..

angeL from HeLL said...

utk aziezah : u bijak sgt kew??
lau bijak sgt u dh bukak provider utk mobile kt m'sia nihh...
u mmg melayu yg x sdar diri..
nmpk sgt u 2 mmg jnis keturunan yg sewel gak (Kak Azie dah kena berapa kali sampai jerit kat dlm tepon.)
u pnye statement wat reader lain rse betapa u bukak kebodohan sendiri.lain kali lau nk meludah jgn dongak ke mesti minum susu kerbau terlebih sgt...

angeL from HeLL said...

aju pn slalu call kt careline gak.xpnah pn ade yg kurang yg caller kurang ajar mmg logik gak..cbe pk ngan logik lau korang nihh dh rse pandai krn level dlm msyarakat ade gelaran tertentu (krn pandai bodek and jual diri)kerja yg level bwhan ngan pendapatan x brape sngat,kne tengking ngan yahudi mbuk tiap2 ari,ngan org yg bodoh sombong,ngan yg hipokrit,ngan org cm alim biawak,ngan bngsa2 yg x bertamadun..kata setengah org,sembahyang mengalahkn wali,tp ati cm bangkai babi...
(falsafah sendiri)..manusia mane yg x terkenan.dan manusia mane yg x wat silap.kdg2 kne tnggung oleh silap pihak lain...
walaupun aku bkn dlm bidang ni aku tetap phm krn aku pn kuli cm dieorg gak..
lebih baik aku jd kuli dari aku jual dadah utk rosakkn ank2 korang or aku jual maruah bngsa hdup dalam rasuah..lebih baik jd kuli...dr hdup sbagai korporat keparat yg menindas,menipu bngsa sendiri,krn nk kejar gelaran utk dibawa kelubang kubur...

mimiey's nana said...

hye...nak menyapuk sket2 je..I pnh keje customer service dgn 3 company sebelum ni selama 2 ive got a lot experience and know the rules also what happen inside there..wether they do the case or not or juz ignore.If u're in customer service side u can say customer fault but if u in customer side u will knw what they feel rite i dont anyone.i pnh rsa jd dua2... customer service yg penyabar dan hilang sabar also same penah jd customer mcm 2 my advice if we as a customer feel that we not receive a good service from this company no need to publish like this or maki2 until kontroversi...We got MCMC to protect us or else if u feel so "geram" with this situation juz publish at newspaper its good enough..not all customer service give bad service and not all customer is a bad customer...Also for all customer service..please do ur job as per your job description coz only EX-customer service know what happen inside there...gud luck

knight said...

yes mimiey ur r experience wit celcom r the best...from there ill learn alot of be patience...cause human who think that they r perfect just a stupid person...they show their stupidity by claiming others are stupid..or bodo bangang dan menjerit mcm orang hilang akal...tuhan bagi akal patut digunakan sebaiknye...setiap pekerjaan ade ragamnye...aku pernah menghubungi beberapa cust care...dan dapati yg mereka terlalu mudah..mereka hanya kater rujuk di web site kalo celcom mereka mengajar sehingga cust paham dan jelas..and 1 more thing..if u really like too speak in english i think u better use maxis..cause their careline even u speak in malay..they still greet u in english....huhuhu...

mimiey's nana said...

so frenz..stop blamming each other..if kita kat tmpt naa pon kita myb akan rsa bnda yg sma..cuma the way dia luahkan perasaan x seswai gitu..bila kita mrh kita akan buat smthg out of our control.i da rsa jd customer service n i da rsa jd a customer if all my concern dpt dipenuhi oleh cse i akn gembira dgn service mereka but if they all only ASSUME my concern kna la sume org ade pengalaman dgn cse kan..baik or buruk kita kna pkr jln penyelesaian sendiri la..

Simply Magic Perfumes said...

ermss sometimes its not easy dealing with people yang rase diri dia pandai cakap english nih.. sy keje dgn swasta in service industry already 10 years plus and everyday dealing with people using english.. but sometimes.. orang cina, india n melayu pun..prefer dealing in bahasa melayu kita..'senang paham katanyer'. Tapi biler melayu kita..tak sedar dirinya itu MELAYU..nak RIAK sgt dgn 2nd language tuh.. dimanakah letak martabat bahasa kita? senangkan masyarakat cina n india pun guna bahasa melayu.. awat? english cik blogger nih A++ dari tadika sampai UNI kah?? ada PHD dlm english??

Kita pun tahu..kebanyakkan CS nih trainee.. and they are using computer n have to deal with procedure.. maybe drang nih bukan sedara mara if sedara mara kita yang kena maki dek customer..kita nak rasa aper? seronok? gembira? cubit peha kiri..peha kanan terasa..

Semua pekerjaan dlm dunia nih ader kekurangannya.. tiada yang sempurna.. lebey2 lagik dunia yang dilengkapi dgn manusia2 yang tidak penah puas dan bersyukur.. nauzubillah.. saya just harap pihak BIRU selidik sedalam2nya hal ini..dan check profile account blogger ini sebelum mengambil tindakan drastik terhadap CS2 yang berkenaan.. Mereka hanya menjalankan tugas mereka mengikut procedure n sedaya upaya tidak melepaskan frustration mereka direct kepada customer.. bley sakit jiwa simpan sorang2.. >_< wink..

bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Saya dapat rasakan bahawa terdapat banyak penyangak-penyangk dan samseng-samseng from Celcom Careline yang memberi komen.

Inilah tahap keprofessionalan kerja mereka.
Agaknya setelah bosan merempit, bermaharajalela
membuli pelanggan.

Ini adalah hak seorang pelanggan yang tidak puas hati terhadap layanan yang diberikan.

Be professional - take it as a constructive criticism.
Instead of bullying a customer. You should be bringing up the matter with your management.

If I hope who ever is charge Celcom can read these comments..

It's not surprising why their customer service is so bad.

This is the type of mentality that they're hiring. Appalling!

Unknown said...

Saya dapat rasakan bahawa terdapat banyak penyangak-penyangk dan samseng-samseng from Celcom Careline yang memberi komen.

Inilah tahap keprofessionalan kerja mereka.
Agaknya setelah bosan merempit, bermaharajalela
membuli pelanggan.

Ini adalah hak seorang pelanggan yang tidak puas hati terhadap layanan yang diberikan.

Be professional - take it as a constructive criticism.
Instead of bullying a customer. You should be bringing up the matter with your management.

If I hope who ever is charge Celcom can read these comments..

It's not surprising why their customer service is so bad.

This is the type of mentality that they're hiring. Appalling!

angeL from HeLL said...

ternyata ko ni mmg x profersional..

ko tujukan statement ko kt bdk2 careline 2 adalah sesuatu yg melulu.Tindakan melulu adalah bukti seseorang yg x profersional lau pn ko tergolong dlm golongan yg profersional kononnye.

aku mmg ske msuk blog dan kutuk org yg bodoh sombong cm ko.
sia2 jew mak bapak ko anta ko sekolah.buat abis harta mak bapak jew ko belajar.mgkin gak mak bapak ko x ajar ko mengenal org sekeliling ko.

Gelaran samseng 2 hnye utk golongan ko.Org lain bekerja utk cari mkn.ko bekerja utk musnahkan org.

Ko x patut tuju melulu ttg kerja org lain lau ko x dpt buktikn kerja ko skrg ni ckup mulia.lau stakat keje dok mencari kesalahan org lain baik ko jgn tujukan statement ko sape yg baik dan sape yg buruk.

x ade 1 pn makhluk yg sempurna dlm dunia x tau laa kot2 ko ni keturunan malaikat reject.

Cube ko ckp ape jawatan ko smpai ko leh anggap keje org lain begitu x smpurna??

Lau ko ni Managing Director mmg malang lh company ko.Teraniaya lh pekrja ko.kne sruh wat keje bkn2.akan lari semua share holder ko psl ko wat keputusan tnpa terima pndangan board of director.

aku rse xde salahnye lau ko selidik dulu keje ko.sumber pendapatan ko,nafkah yg ko bg kt keluarga ko.adakah dr keje yg mulia?..

Lau ko nk ckp Celcom atau maxis atau Digi yg mnyediakan perkhidmatan yg teruk,mmg x bisnes adalah mmntingkn keuntungan.x kira secara lngsung atau x.sedangkan pekerja x dpt ape2 keuntungan selain dr cume dptkn gaji yg x seberapa stiap bln.menadah telinga golongan yg x bertamadun cm kroni2 ko.ckup bersyukur ade gak org yg lyn karenah biol korang.pihak pentadbiran xkn amik tau mslh tekanan atau wat kajian ttg feedback pekerja krn takut segala kelemahan terdedah.lau nk tau itulh trade mark company tempatan.x spt company luar cm jepun,US atau eropah.itu pn lau ko dh ckup berpengalaman dlm pelbagai keje ngan company luar atau lau ko ckp org tertentu yg mnyebabkan service 2 teruk mmg ko ni teruk..sebab 2 aku ckp mmg mbazir jew mak bapak ko anta ko sekolah..

Dalam satu2 company msti ade bberape level yg tertentu.msti ko tau kn cz ko ni pandai..
setiap level ade had tertentu.ade kuasa tertentu.ade juga yg hnye wat keje krn arahan atau pocedure.Bile aku bace statement kroni ko yg "nymphomania" 2 aku nmpk mmg sah korang ni x pnah celik mata dan hati utk amik tau psl heiraki setiap organisasi sesebuah company.

Lau aku dlm bidang logistic,aku ade had kuasa aku utk arahkan staff aku,mane yg boleh mane yg x leh..aku xkn sruh staff aku utk approve custom form 1/2.aku x leh nk sruh staff aku wat report atau approve report utk annual audit.aku xleh nk sruh QA Exec.utk bwk lori anta g inspection.aku gak xleh nk approve Quotation simply jew tanpa dpt confirmation dr Acc.Mgr aku..

Jadi phm2 sendri laa.2 pn lau ko ni x minum terlebih susu kerbau.

angeL from HeLL said...

prangai ko ni kn cm pnah aku jmpe,sub-con yg bwk pekrja bangla utk dihantar ke kilang2.(Foreign Worker agent).Mengarah mat2 bangla cm pew ble bangla tnye ttg procedure,kembang kempis hidung nk cover kebodohan diri.jawapan yg di bagi "jgn byk tnye,wat keje sndiri".Mksudnye ko sruh wat pew yg bkn bidang keje yg ko sndiri x pasti betul atau x.

Sudah2 laa.ko nk menyalak cm anjing liar yg dok tepi jln keta lalu jew mnyalak,lori lalu pn mnyalak.x pnat kew?
Cube ko bace statement minah "nymphomania" 2.patut x di hebohkan keje org lain smpai ble golongan bodoh smbong bace mmg rse die lh yg sesempurna manusia yg pnah tercipta.

Lau ko ni org MELAYU mmg leh 2kr bangsa ko kt ic..letak jew bngsa Barbarian kew ok gak..ko ni same gak ngan seko lg minah "nymphomania" aziezah.pic pkai tdung,menggambarkn org yg bersopan santun.Tapi statement mmg cm bangkai babi yg kena rogol.aku yg bkn careliner pn rse tersinggung.Lau pihak lain ade wat silap,contohye ajk masjid kew,tok kadi kew,ustaz2 kew,tok imam kew msti die akan ckp sme gak kot..

kes ko n the gang ni pn cm pnah aku ktuk sorng reporter dr akhbar terkenal.wat rencana psl dunia hiburan underground.mngatakan golongan tersebut sesat,menyembah setan dan jijik secara membabi buta.tanpa ade sebarang bukti kukuh.hnye amik gmbar bberapa shot kt gigs yg nmpk extreme.lps 2 sebarkn propaganda yg dieorg dok puja setan.sedangkan dieorang mempersmbahkn misic utk hiburan,utk meluahkn pandangan,utk berkarya,utk memperkembangkan lg seni dan utk memaparkan music secara akibat dari propaganda 2 rmai pemuzik/underground band kena Banned kt gov.tanpa sebab.ade juge yg mempolitikkan music.sedangkan music tidak sekotor politik.Lau pn aku bkn pemuzik aku ttp membela.
Skrg ko n the gang wat perkara yg lebih kurang same dgn tujuan nk tutup periuk ns org lain..don't worry,welcome to Hell.

knight said...

aku rase apatheia ni pakwe na ni kowt..hahaha....yela kekasih ati kene buli...membantu bagaikan zero milo...hahaha

angeL from HeLL said...

scandal or kekasih gelap..dieorg bkn leh caye sgt.nmpk jew baik.berlakon alim,warak dan soleh & Solehah.

inntahla said...

mimiey, u said "if kita kat tmpt naa pon kita myb akan rsa bnda yg sma.."
and naa said "btw i've been in Customer Service line, system bad does not mean that u have right to have that kind of attitude towards customer"

sy pun keje cust serv gak.. sy pun penah kol careline company hijau.. 2x5 gak.. drop call.. pastu suh tggu 48jam!. tp mslh x selesai gak..ey,,sy byk rugi tau bulan tu..
tp sy paham keje dorg cmne. sy boleh lg ckp elok2 ngn dorg.. siap bg markah 5 lagi..
sy penah gak kol careline bank awam... lg la layan org cam hape.. tp sy xde la kuang ajar balik ke, sbb sy paham keje dorg cmne..

si naa ni mmg sngje nk nganjing careline..mungkin pengalaman die lebih teruk dr yg die dpt.. pastu pendam dlm hati..

alah bukan naa je.. ramai lg org lain yg penah keje cust serv, yg "x profesional"..bile dah kuar dr bidang keje cmtu, pastu keje duk balas dendam.. byk2 la beristifar..

mintak maaf byk2 ye..
yang baik dr Allah, yg buruk dr saya sendiri...

mimiey's nana said...

hye...k la nk bg conclusion sket..1st assume kita sbg customer..jika kita diberi service yg baik kita akn marah ke?kita akan puas ati assume kita ditempat customer service..bila kita bg service yg baik kepada cust kita akn kna mrh ke?...customer akan suka sma kan dgn situation..attitude bukn dtg dr company...attitude dtg dr diri kita sendiri..kalu kita nk mrh jdnya mrh..kalu kita nk suka jdnya suka..kita x leh paksa diri sendiri untuk suka dan x guna nk blame sape2..pokok pangkalnya hati..I knw ade certain yg komen dlm ni adalah staff company biru contact center yg nk depend diri sendiri..xslh tp jgn lebih2 jgn tunjuk sgt..customer skrng ni bukn mcm dulu..terima seadanya ape yg 'digoreng'..Berbalik kepada blog ni ade jugak btlnya naa ni..ade ke company biru ni ajar staff dorg KURANG AJAR dgn customer..ade ke masa training cikgu ajar soh KURANG AJAR dgn phm la maksud attitude 2 hape..klau time 2 that staff lyn si naa ni dgn baik ade x naa ni wujudkan blog ni.Disebabkan that staff yg kurang pengetahuan tentang customer service attitude nama company biru ni dah termsuk dlm blog.Naa pon sama la jugak...xperlulah burukkan company biru ni...cukuplah sekadar complain kat xpyh rsa dri sendiri btl..xpyh blame sape2.xpyh nk depend sape2.setiap org ade pengalaman sendiri..staff biru yg komen kat cni xpyh la kipas lebih2..nmpk sgt 'kesetiaan' anda kat company biru ni..nk taw sape?..sape2 yg bls komen ni dialah staff 2..k..gud luck

angeL from HeLL said...

cik mimiey's nana :
sy rase xde pn staff company biru yg bg komen kt cni.staff biru hnye way xtau jew hal yg kena maki hamun adalah sub-con dari company biru.lau staff biru yg kena maki hamun dh lame pihak biru akan improvekn service..mereka yg dok kena maki kt careline bkn staff.kena tau beza antara staff n bkn staff..
staff company biru gaji bsr2 wooo..
yg kena maki 2 ckup2 mkn jew..
pngalaman mngajar kite mejadi golongan berpengetahuan..jgn jd cm owner blog & rakan2 yg menjadikan pngalaman utk mnyombongkan diri..krn bngsa kita sendiri terkenal dgn gelaran bodoh sombong & hasad dengki...


mimiey's nana said... rsa kat statement naa xde mention 'sub-con' mane la cik angel ni dpt info yg 'sub-con'attend call naa..ade jugk 'sub-con'yg dah permanent jd CSE..n...wondering jugk la mane cik angel ni taw staff company biru gaji ribu2???..penah keje or masih keje...hehe...b carefull of your statement...papai...

angeL from HeLL said...

cik mimiey's nana :
nmpknye cik ni perlu disekolahkn ckit.mgkin gak cik kurang peka ngan sistem pengambilan pekerja kt m'sia atau cik ni cube nk mnegirukan statement sblm ni.

Kebanyakan careline kt m'sia adalah dari agensi2 pekerjaan,x kira biru,hijau atau kuning.mmg ade kemungkinan juga akan diserap sbg permanent terlalu kcik bilangannye.psl gaji staff biru mmg sedia mklum bile satu2 company listed kt bursa mmg company mmpu bg gaji yg tinggi..

statement sy bkn krn sy belajar tinggi spt mane yg lain2 kt blog ni.brkemungkinan cik i belajar tinggi dan x mustahil akan belajar psl Human Resources.Tp dlm Hr pn ade byk perubahan yg berlaku mngikut mase.
Jadi,dlm soal status pekrja kt m'sia ni mmg skrg xbyk syarikat yg mngambil pekerja permanent atas dasar keuntungan.x kira company besar or kcik,gomen sendiri pn byk amik stff ape yg nk di heran kn??
sy bg statement ni atas pngalamn sendiri.lau cik rse pngalamn dlm dunia pekerjaan ni dh ckup byk x prlu cik rse keliru or cbe mngelirukan pihak lain.

mmg statement owner blog yg cik bela 2 x sebut psl sub-con,itu jelas menunjukkn jenis manusia yg bodoh sombong.psl bile di katakn golongan yg wat keje tertentu x mmpu wat keje mmg salah.Die sndiri kata pnah keje careline tp ape2 pn psl status juga sistem keje pn x tau.2 laa psl yg die blah..die x lyk utk keje bidang 2..Belajar tinggi hnye utk tunjuk kt paper jew,skadar teori bkn practical atau pengalaman.
mcm org politik gak laa.ckp bkn main.langit pn leh runtuh statement habuk pn tarak.ckp x supa bikin maaa..

angeL from HeLL said...

cik mimiey's nana :
ari ni kite bljr bab ke 32,psl keje dan tanggungjawb dlm pekrjaan :

Bagi golongan berpendidikan tinggi kebyknnye meletakkn sijil,dip,deg,master etc.sbgai cagaran mendaptkan jawtn tertentu.x kira jwtn 2 tol2 lyk atau tidak,tp krn ade certificate tertntu dr segi teori + hebat dlm bg yg jenis x pandai atau ber pendidikan rendah hnya mmpu bekrja sbg kuli batak..
tp siapakn antara golongan ini mendapat rezeki yg lebih berkat??
siapa yg mndapat kepuasan dr pndapatan setiap bln?..jwpnnye leh pk2 sendiri dr segi teori or practical.
kmbali kite pd tajuk kte pd awl pembelajaran td yew..
sy ckupecewa ade gak org yg xtau ttg mslh pkrjaan kt m'sia nihh..
terutama sejak 10thn kebelakangan ni.lau di tinjau,dlm bidang industri pn (perkilangan khususnye),hmpir 50% pkerja adalah bestatus contract.dr operato pngeluaran smpailah lrry driver skalipn.jd x mustahil dlm careline gak..jd ckup mngecewakn lau ade org yg rse dr pandai benda ni pn x pnah sedar..cmner laa keje yg dilakukan selama ni.x amk tau psl persekitaran,x cbe belajar ssesuatu yg bru dlm khidupan.ble ade mse free msti cbuk dok ngumpat,kutuk org,fitnah dan yg sme waktu dgnnye..ble jew golongan ni brenti keje kt satu2 tmpt msti nk cr keje tmpt lain agk xckup productivity dlm keje or trlalu memilih krn jwtn yg di pegang sblm ni hnye dok kt office jew..

Cube ssekali andaikan diri sndiri berada di tmpt org lain yg lebih rendah..contohnye cbe mse Q kt tesco ,carrefour or giant pk skejap cmnew keje sbg cashier,pew rutin keje die,cmnew die leh handle custmr yg bemcm2 karenah,cmnew nk berdepan dgn boss ble ade shortage gak bpe gaki dieorg stiap bln..
Mse g KFC,MCD or pizza,cbe bygkn nape dieorg keje terkjar2 utk pnuhi keprluan prut bodoh custmr.cmnew rsenye wat keje kjap kt kitchen,kjap amik order,kjap dok packing order..mampukah cik2,mdm2,datin2 or datin seri lakukan ??
Lau kt industri lak snggup x wat keje berdiri kt convouer tggu product 2 lalu utk proses seterusnye,dok check brg ade mark,scracth or crack smpai nk terkeluar bijik mata.larat x ari2 dok kira stock brg,pnjt cne cni cm monyet kt ats rak smbil dok susun kotak2 product utk hantar kt custmr atau sub-con lain utk continous proses dlm mse yg sme nk bg smple product kt planner yg trjerit2 cm cik aziezah.leh than kew lau tiap2 ari mkn kt dlm lori sbb x ckup mse or sngkut mse jln jam (bg lorry driver) smpai prut makin boroi mngalahkn cik naa bunting 10bln?..

Lau andaikan cik or korang sume keje kt retail,leh thn x ngan custmr yg dok sepah2 pkaian slps dok belek2 pas2 blah,dlm mse yg sme kne jg floor,tgk custmr yg ske pnjm pkaian x bgtau,nk jg cashier lg.ps2 msuk lak stock bru utk display.cm2 la ari2 lau x mati..

cube jd pak guard lak.keje yg metekkn nyawa sbg cagaran,ari2 kne bukak tutp gate,mntak ic tulis dlm buku amik no 4d terakhir g beli magnum or Sport toto..hahahahaha
tp rmai lg yg dok hina pndg pn dgn tau x rmai yg mati katak krn samun,rompk sib baik x liwat cz pak guard 2 tue2 or muke x jmbu..

angeL from HeLL said...

Kite up ckit level pekerjaan lak..hrp student2 jgn ttido yew..
cube tgk lak line leader kt kilang,terjerit2 kt operator nk kjar target,lau xdpt mlepas duit target bln2 RM50 - RM100.xpn melepas mkn KFC or Pizza yg boss lg truk nk kne maki kt boss cine or jepun nape xdpt target,nk ckp operator tdo xleh gak cz nmpkp eperator wat keje trtonggeng2 smpai ade yg thn wat gangguan sexual.nk ckp xckup org nnti boss ckp wat bzir duit company byr gaji cbe pk pew yg anda mmpu buat ble brade di pihak mrk2 dn kluarga mrk?
Lau supervisor lak,ke hulu ke hilir cm xde tau x dlm kpla dieorg cm nk pcah.pew nk jwb kt boss ank2 buah rmai mc,sakt prut,migrain,sakit pinggang,sakt2 bdn,kne siplis,trlebih tdo psl mlm2 dok lyn bini cz ari cuti kne msuk keje.xkn nk jwb kt bos staff kne siplis cz g angkut ayam2.nnti boss msti ckp u ni x bg kondom kt ank2 buah..

bg site planner,puchasing or buyer lak.nmok cm rilex jew.dok kt dlm office call cne2 cni mngalahkan wakil rakyat nk pancing dlm kpala dieprg serabut cm nuk kuarkan kutu ble bulu2 lme x ckur..nk neg.hrga material,nk cr supplier yg leh amik brg lbih murah,nk wat monthly forecast.kne monitor facilities company.kdg2 blk umah pown xde mse nk lyn laki or bini,terpaksalh ade scandal utk redakan serabut.Bill air kne settle gak lau pn keje brlambak...x gitew?
Bg acc.Exec.or acc.mgr lak lg naik biol nk pk kemane duit company asik xckup jew..nk ckp bg gaji byk kt pekerja x gak.nk kata boss byk wat joli duit cmpany xleh lak cz boss yg byr gaji lg pn ikut ske boss laa nk wat pew 2 duit die or mak bapak die..nk x nk cut off kn OT.pekerja mkn gaji pokok jew.bln2 xckup duit g ragut ckit wat part time,x pn yg foreigner leh wat urut2 batin ckit kat hostel.boss2 pn dialu-alukn..

Bg yg nk jd boss lak.nmpk cm mewah.pkai keta mak uuiihhh.meleleh pencuri ketas tgk.umo dh lebih stengah abad tp pakai R35,Impreza ver.9,Aston Martin DB9,alphard (buruknye),Bentley,Corvette coupe dlm kpala otak dok pk cmnew lau company lingkup di selang seli ngan nk rase amoi mane lak mlm nnti....hahaaahaha.(jarang ade boss yg x kuat nafsu)
nk x nk kuarkan memo company nk bg VSS or persaraan awl x pn kata yg x bestnye khidmat anda x diperlukan lg nahh amik laa duit saguhati..ps2 leh laa boss2 cr modal wat cari share patner.lau x jln gak cr sebuah bangunan yg agak tggi,rendah ckit dr KLCC terjun tanpa gaya..maka bungkus lah company cap daun pisang..

setakat ni sje class kte utk ari nii..Jgn smpai jmpe lg..lau x lagi sewel statement aku nihh.


mimiey's nana said...

mcm dah lari topik blog je..hahaha

Unknown said...

Tgah survey keje celcom tetiba terbaca post ni. Sedih ! Akak ni meroyan and sangat attention seeker. Even sy fresh graduate. Sy respect pekerja sume bidang. Tak kisah kerja ape.. dr pembacaan sy, akk mmg layak pon dpt servis mcm ni. Selama ni sy selalu call dptkan servis dr call center. Even kdg2 dorg x boleh settlekan maslah sy, sy boleh terima. Sebb sy faham kdg2 luar bidang kite. And mereka mcm sy br nk menapak nk mulakan hidup. Salah company tu dorang y dpg maki dr perempuan meroyan mcm akk. Tapi takpe, satu hari nnt kami2 ni akan lebih berjaya dr akk. And for sure kami ni bukanlah low class sgt. Msg2 ade degree, cume zaman sekarang makin mencabar. Salam !!

Cullen's Anne said... stuju degan awk..dan sy pekerja cs celcom careline bhgian postpaid..
mereka smua pekerja xlepas dari kesilapan..
akak tau x skop keje kami? kalau bcakap gan cust sekalipun kalau ada yng kami kurang ariff kali xbole nk hold lelama dlm system nnti akan drop call lepas tu salahkan kami..
itu mmg prosedur celcom respek smua org kat sini tpi cara bhasa akak sgtla xreleven dengan apa yg akak upkan ni...bill ada CL- CREDIT LIMIT once dh lebih dari cl tu dengan automatik system akan barkan panggilan means xleh buat panggilan langsung smpila jelaskan unbilled or cl tu...kami bole tmbhkan lagi cl dengan syrat byr ansur pun xpe..itu prosedur celcom...mmg cs selalu kene maki hamun kalu xnk jadi mcm ni jgnla pakai billl kak oiiiiiii

Unknown said...

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